Release Day!
Well the day has come (and gone). It snuck up on me. One minute, I had a book coming out and then, poof, Happy Book Birthday to Re-Coil. I did the author thing and rushed out to the nearest bookstore to see if I could find it “in the wild.” And lo and behold, here it is in all its glory at the local Barnes & Noble:

You can pick up Re-Coil today from Amazon or pretty much anywhere books are sold.
Just finished “Re-coil”. Fun romp. Loved the characters. And because the library is closed indefinitely, I can share it with my sf loving housemate w/o worrying about late fees! ( As much as I usually hate sequels, I would not mind reading about this new team’s further exploits.)
Thanks! I’m glad you liked it. Hopefully, we’ll see more adventures. 🙂